

Musician: Duduk

Gevorg dabaghyan

People’s Artist, Republic of Armenia
Professor, Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan.

Born on February 12, 1965 in Yerevan, Armenia, Gevorg Dabaghyan is revered as a virtuoso of
the duduk, a quintessen5al Armenian woodwind instrument known for its haun5ngly beau5ful
sound. His journey into music began in the classrooms of No. 94 Secondary School in Yerevan,
followed by forma5ve years at Romanos Melikyan Music College, where he honed his craS from
1980 to 1984. It was at the esteemed Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan that Gevorg
flourished, gradua5ng in 1989 under the mentorship of Ararat Petrosyan. His dedica5on to
mastering the duduk led him to pursue postgraduate studies at the conservatory, comple5ng
them in 1992 under the guidance of dis5nguished dudukist Khachatur Ave5syan.
Gevorg Dabaghyan’s musical career is adorned with accolades that underscore his excep5onal
talent and commitment to his art. In 1990, he clinched the coveted Grand Prix at the Dushanbe
Interna5onal Music Fes5val, acclaimed for his mastery of “Best Eastern Na5onal Instruments.”
The following years saw him ascend further heights, winning the Grand Prize at the Sayat Nova
Na5onal Compe55on in 1991-1992. His groundbreaking CD “Music of Armenia,” released in
1994, garnered interna5onal acclaim and earned him the esteemed “Indi” Special Award in
1995. Recognizing his profound impact on Armenian culture and music, Gevorg Dabaghyan was
honored as Meritorious Ar5st of Armenia in 2004 and later elevated to the esteemed 5tle of
People’s Ar5st of the Republic of Armenia in 2017.
Throughout his illustrious career, Gevorg Dabaghyan has collaborated with renowned musicians
and graced pres5gious stages worldwide. His performances alongside icons such as Yo-Yo Ma,
Gidon Kremer, Jan Garbarek, Yuri Bashmet, and Rabih Abou-Khalil have showcased the duduk’s
rich cultural heritage in celebrated venues including Carnegie Hall, the Chicago Philharmonic,
and the Amsterdam Concertgebouw.
Beyond his achievements as a performer, Gevorg Dabaghyan is deeply commiaed to passing on
his knowledge and passion for the duduk. Since 1991, he has served as an esteemed instructor
at the Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan, nurturing aspiring musicians and preserving
Armenian musical tradi5ons. In 2010, he established a special Duduk school in Gavar, Armenia,
named in his honor, to ensure the con5nuity of Armenian musical heritage for future
In addi5on to his teaching commitments, Gevorg Dabaghyan has authored three seminal
textbooks on the duduk, contribu5ng significantly to scholarly discourse and understanding of
this ancient instrument. His dedica5on to educa5on extends to conduc5ng master classes at the

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